Tuesday, May 28, 2013

It's crafty time again!

Ok I have really been off the wagon with this little craft blog I started however long ago.  I have been working on some things, and not telling you about it.  I'm getting ready to start really buckling down on this blog, mostly because I need to stay busy with crafting so I don't watch too much TV or feel the need to snack uncontrollably. Wow, I think that was TMI but whatever.  I'm real and I'm not about to go off lying about who I really am or denying some of the issues I've got.  So crafty time...here I come.  Get ready for more photo tutes and maybe even a video here or there if I can figure the dern thing out.


Friday, October 5, 2012

The 80's Toy Ark: My Child Doll Restoration

I just came across this amazing tutorial on how to restore a My Child doll.  I cannot wait to get started on my Lisa!

The 80's Toy Ark: My Child Doll Restoration: A very nice girl in Canada sent me these rather tragic My Child dolls. Both were very stained, with gerying faces and hands. The dark-h...

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Awesome Goodwill Find

Okay, so everyone knows I get alot of cheap and fun project ideas from things I find at Goodwill.  Well today I was there because I needed to find a yellow shirt on the cheap to wear to work tomorrow because Starbucks is promoting the new Blonde Roast.  Anyway, I found a little antique looking (I say antique looking because although I did a little research, I couldn't find exactly how old it is) Singer Sewing Machine replica trinket box with accessories inside.  Parts of it are broken off (bummer), but I will still love it in my sewing room. 

Ashley Holland 1/11/12

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Okay seriously...

I made this blog so I could share my crafts with anyone who wants to see them and I have not done a good job keeping it up.  I have done several projects since creating this blog, and I plan to show pics and write up mini descriptions about them.  That's all for now. 

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Random pieces around the house

P and I both got the new Motorola DROID Bionic and I downloaded the blogger app to see what i could do with it. I think i can take pics directly from the posting. Let's try it out.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

New To You Music

So I wanted to share with you folks one way you can get ahold of some new music for your iPod or whichever or whatever MP3 player you use. 

You may have seen my earlier post about thrifting bed sheets for fabric yardage.  Well this is the same concept. When you are at Goodwill, go to the CDs and just check out what's there.  Most of them are only $2.99.  I have picked up a few great finds this way, just make sure you check inside the case.  I wanted a Daughtry CD a few weeks ago but when I opened it it had the Saturday Night Fever soundtrack inside.  Bummer.  You might even find something you've never heard of but the song titles sound cool.  Good way to hear new to you music.  Today I found what I believe has to be so far my best Goodwill CD find.  Not all my friends and family know this but I really like listening to music in foreign languages...mostly German.  I have discovered an 80's German Pop Rock band called Munchener Freiheit.  Here is a link to their Wikipedia.  If you have seen the movie Say Anything... then you may remember the song Keeping the Dream Alive.

So that is a way to get new to you music.  I hope next time you go to Goodwill you will check out the CD rack and just see what you can find.  You never know what can be in there.

Ashley Holland 8/23/2011

Friday, July 1, 2011

Another NBY Garden Update!

Ok, so when I sent out on this gardening adventure I had no idea I'd be so successful!!!  Here are the pictures.....

 These two actually sprouted off of the first one that bloomed. That one has been removed and is currently drying out and will become delicious sunflower seeds in a few days.
 This one's almost as tall as the fence!
 This one just shows the whole garden.
 See that little watermelon in there?
Here's the other watermelon.

Wow! Gardening is so fun!  I love to go out back every morning and check out the progress of my garden, and enjoy the sounds of the birds and the clouds going by and all that fun nature-y stuff.  I'll be posting an update on the seeds really soon.  Thanks for stopping by.  I hope you have enjoyed the pictures of my No Back Yard Garden.

Keep coming back for more Craft Tastic fun with Ash!

Ashley Holland 7/1/2011