Friday, June 10, 2011

Update on NBY Garden

Alright, so it's been a few weeks now and...well here's what it looks like now.
The Mammoth Sunflower in the very middle, has gotten to be about 2 feet tall now. 

Here it is getting ready to bloom
Starting to bloom now....
It's bloomed! 

I'm so EXCITED!!!!  The garden is doing great!  I forgot to mention the watermelons are also growing nicely.  No actual watermelons yet, update on those later.

Ashley Holland 6/10/2011

Polymer Covered Bottles

Wow! It wasn't until I was actually bringing these downstairs to photograph them that I realized how OLD they are.  The following pics are of some coins jars I made out of upcycled Starbucks Frappuccino bottles.  I made these in 2004.  Like I said....OLD!  Here they are:


By the time I got to this one, I felt like making it look like something.  For some reason mint chocolate chip ice cream came to mind.
This one is the first one I made.  Before I got the idea to make coins jars.
This one I made for Preston as a house warming gift when he moved into the Cumberland a few years ago.  It had some bamboo in it but they died.  :(

Well I am most certainly enjoying getting to share my projects.  I have to admit I have not done anything recently except for a painting that Preston says I should call Ketchup and Mustard (in a French accent).  Haha!  I might show a pic of that in a later post.  If I decide not to spray paint over it.

Ashley Holland 6/10/2011

Polymer Pastries

Hey Folks!

Today I was sick and left work early.  I have pretty much been sitting here at the house all day catching up on my re-runs of Beverly Hills, 90210. 

Anyway, I was going through some pics and found this one of the polymer pastries I made for my fellow Starbucks partners a couple of Christmases ago.  I asked everyone what their favorite pastry was and made each of them a Christmas ornament.  I had a fun time making them.
Polymer clay is so fun and easy to work with.  Just writing this blog has inspired me to go and photograph other polymer projects I've done.  I'll post them soon.

Ashley Holland 6/10/2011